
Do they really work

Can you increase your breast size without surgery?
It is not entirely impossible to increase your breast size without surgery. There are several options, such as regular exercise, introducing more hormones into your body, and herbal pills. However, with these options, the desired result can never be as accurate as a breast augmentation treatment guided and led by an expert surgeon.

What can exercise do for your breasts?
Like any part of the body, exercise is a healthy and sustainable way of changing the silhouette of your body. You may find that introducing chest and back exercises will help to strengthen the muscles around the breasts to help them appear more prominent and plumper.

Can pills and lotions enhance the size of your breasts?
Technically they can. However, we would never recommend purchasing pills or creams without a doctor or expert’s recommendation. Certain ingredients are formulated into pills and creams that will help increase and produce oestrogen-like effects in the body, such as birth control. Some birth control pills are designed with small amounts of oestrogen that can cause temporary swelling in your breasts and affect the breast tissue. Though dependent from woman to woman, the results or desired results aren’t always guaranteed. You may also experience other side effects such as weight gain, mood changes, sickness, etc.

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What are breast enlargement options out there?

You would be surprised at the number of options available, and our surgical expert, Dr Reza Alamouti, is stellar in breast enlargement and augmentation. With a bespoke and tailored approach, you are guaranteed to find a result and method you are more than satisfied with. Results guaranteed, long-lasting and a trusted practitioner at your side.

Interested in finding out more, book a consultation with Dr Reza now.

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Any side effects?

Like any medical treatment, there are side effects to consider;

– Mild swelling (however, this is normal and should subside after a day or two).
– Redness
– Itching and irritation
– Infection
– Inflammatory skin reaction
– Skin lumps

*If you receive any side effects longer than recommended, please consult your doctor.

Jaw Augmentation Alternatives

While jawline filler is a common and popular treatment, it isn’t always an option for everyone; therefore, other options are as hared below;
– Diet and exercise to lose fat.
Botox can also be used to help slim the face and also alleviate any jaw pain from clenching teeth.
Accent Prime helps to kill fat cells under the chin over time.
Jaw Surgery is the most invasive option but with permanent results.

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