
Buccal Fat Removal Surgery

Ultimate cheek contouring

Buccal fat removal is a quick and relatively straightforward procedure performed under local anaesthetic

The procedure takes around 45 minutes and patients can usually return to work one week after

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Buccal Fat Removal

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Buccal Fat Removal addresses unwanted fat in the cheeks and offers a subtle contouring appearance to the mid-face. The operation can help rebalance your face and improve facial harmony by reducing the amount of buccal fat present in the fat pads between the cheeks. The biggest benefit of Buccal Fat Removal is that it gives a subtle slimming result and reduces fullness in the mid-face and around that region.

Buccal Fat Removal has been trending online in the last year, however, the name Buccal Fat Removal is one that has been chosen incorrectly, we prefer to think of Buccal Fat Removal more of as Buccal Fat Reduction. When performed by our triple board-certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr Yannis, Buccal Fat Removal works to reduce the amount of buccal fat present – not remove it entirely – as having some fat within the cheeks is normal and contributes to a healthy-looking appearance. As a procedure that Dr Yannis has been performing for years, he can analyse and assess the optimal amount of buccal fat to remove. To him, the key to performing a Buccal Fat Removal with exceptional results is through the right patient selection. This procedure is not suitable for everyone, and Dr Yannis knows this, which is why, for the right patient, Buccal Fat Removal can give amazing results and create a natural contour to the cheeks with the ultimate face-complementing results.

  • Content checked and approved for medical accuracy by Dr Yannis Alexandrides MD FACS

Our Quick Guide on Buccal Fat Removal

  • Procedure Time
    Procedure Time: 30-45 Minutes
  • Hospital Stay
    Hospital Stay: Day Case
  • Anaesthesia
    Anaesthesia: Local
  • Recovery Time
    Recovery Time: 3-4 Weeks
  • Time Off Work
    Time Off Work: 5-7 Days
  • Age Restriction
    Age Restriction: 18+ Years Old
Internation Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS)
The American Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS)
American Society Of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Buccal Fat Removal Before & After Photos

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    Alternatively call our specialist patient advisors 0344 692 1111

    In-clinic Consultation

    Dr Yannis £350 – Mr Reza £200

    111 Harley St.
    0344 692 1111 / Book a Consultation