
Jaw Reduction

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Jaw reduction surgery reduces the size and prominence of the chin and jaw, and narrows the jawline to improve its shape and improve overall facial balance. The operation involves trimming down part of the chin and jaw bone and is much less invasive than traditional jaw shaving surgeries due to the introduction of ultrasonic medical devices, like the Piezotome. We can also combine the procedure with other surgical and non-surgical approaches, such a Dermal Fillers for the jawline to emphasise and give definition to the jawline or Submental Liposuction, to tighten lax skin around the lower facial region and reduce fat beneath the chin.

  • Content checked and approved for medical accuracy by Dr Yannis Alexandrides MD FACS

Jaw Reduction Before & After Photos

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Please note, all consultations are subject to the applicable charge below at the time of booking. This is deducted from the cost of your procedure:

Surgical Procedures Virtual Consultation Fee – £200

Surgical Procedures In-Clinic Consultation Fee – £350

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