
Facial Surgery Options

We offer an array of facial surgery procedures. Our experienced team will provide you with a full and thorough consultation to determine your aesthetic goals and recommend the most suitable type of facial surgery. In some cases, this may involve combining procedures and surgical approaches to improve the entire facial appearance and give you a full, even transformation Browse our most popular facial surgeries below or take a look at our full menu.






With many years of experience, our surgical team are on-hand to restructure or reshape your nose to suit your aesthetic needs. We perform rhinoplasty procedures for both physical or practical reasons, whether that involves improving your appearance or enhance your breathing. The approach to surgery varies from patient to patient, and we can adapt this based on the size and shape you desire.

Your nose restructuring surgery begins with a consultation which will determine the surgical technique. During this time, we will discuss your goals, expectations and suitability. We will also assess your facial anatomy and address any potential limitations.

The operation usually requires general anaesthesia but we can also offer local anaesthesia. Depending on your needs, the surgical approach will vary.

This may include:

Trimming and repositioning the cartilage for tip elevation or reduction.

Dorsum reduction for a reduction in the size of the nose or shape of the bridge.

Altering the septum to address breathing difficulties.
Tip restoration and reconstruction using cartilage to restore its shape. It may be necessary to use a nasal implant to reshape the nose.

Alar base reduction surgery to reduce the size of the nostrils.

Your rhinoplasty will involve either an open or closed surgical approach. An open rhinoplasty gives the surgeon more visibility of the nasal structure. During a closed rhinoplasty, the surgeon will make an incision inside the nostrils. Or, for an open rhinoplasty, the incision will be on the underside of the middle area between your nostrils.

Revision rhinoplasty procedures can be more complicated. It’s not always possible to correct the nose until a year has passed since the initial surgery. This time allows any issues connected with it to become fully apparent.

The ideal procedure for a nose reconstruction surgery would be someone who wishes to make changes to the appearance of their nose due to its shape or size or is having breathing difficulties.

Improvements will be visible upon the removal of your cast. Over six months to a year, your nose will continue to change shape. During this time, swelling should reduce and you should start to see the final results towards the end of 1 year.

The speed of recovery varies from patient to patient. We may require you to wear a nasal splint for the first week following your operation.

Swelling and significant bruising around the eye and nose area may occur and will continue to improve over the course of 2-3 weeks. Discomfort may be felt during this time. Numbness felt at the tip of the nose is normal, and will resolve over a few weeks. Some patients can experience a stuffy sensation up the nostrils, and the nose may become runny with fluid or blood.

If you’ve been considering making changes to your nose for two years or more, you may want to consider surgery; this may be for aesthetic reasons or maybe because you’re suffering from breathing difficulties. A nose job is a very popular surgery, and over 91% of Realself users say it’s worth it, with over 2000 procedures performed in the UK last year alone. Certain considerations may affect your decision such as whether you’ll be able to take up to two weeks off work, finances and of course, whether your nasal structure requires surgery.


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At 111 Harley St., we’re internationally renowned for our facelift results, and Dr Yannis Alexandrides is acclaimed for his ‘Y-Facelift’ approach that addresses lower facial ageing in particular, and the complex Deep Plane Facelift. We often combine a facelift procedure with other surgeries such as a blepharoplasty, brow lift and neck lift to maximise the facial enhancement and provide our patients with optimal aesthetic results.

During the consultation, we will perform an analysis of the facial anatomy and the changes to the structure that signify ageing.  You may wish to combine this with a brow lift and neck lift to achieve optimal results.

We can perform a facelift as a day case procedure under general anaesthesia. However, we can administer a local anaesthetic for less extensive cases.

Generally, the operation aims to lift the skin by separating it from the fat and muscle below. The surgeon will tighten the underlying SMAS muscle and membrane, hoisting and trimming the excess skin. If the operation involves addressing neckbands, an incision is made under the chin, and the muscles may be tied together to smooth their appearance. Depending on the method adopted, the surgeon may staple the incision, and use non-dissolvable sutures to close the incision around the ears. The surgeon will remove the stitches and clips within two weeks after surgery, depending on how you are recovering.

Occasionally, we may place a temporary drain under the skin behind your ear following the surgery to remove excess fluid, though this is usually not necessary. Your head will be wrapped in bandages immediately after surgery to minimise bruising and swelling for 24 hours.

We may recommend minimally invasive submental liposuction around the neck and chin to improve the contour of the jawline. In other instances, you could combine the operation with a fat transfer to restore volume to the facial contours. Or, with a brow lift and blepharoplasty to address ageing around the eyes.

A mini facelift minimises scarring and dissection, concealing the incision site as much as possible. Usually, incisions are placed within the hairline or behind the earlobes, and the soft tissues (and occasionally muscle) and the surgeon lifts and trims the excess sagging skin. Dissolvable sutures secure the skin in place. As the incisions are much shorter, the results of a mini-lift are less dramatic.

Many patients can benefit from a facelift as young as their thirties and as old as their eighties. It’s important to remember that a facelift does not stop, reverse or slow down ageing. Performing a second and third facelift later on in life is a possibility.

A facelift works by lifting the skin to smooth its appearance but will not prevent external forces from affecting the skin’s elasticity, bone loss, and muscle weakening. It also cannot prevent wrinkles and lines from forming or address other age-related concerns such as pigmentation.

A good candidate might be someone who has (but is not limited to) neck banding, fat accumulation around the neck, loss of jawline structure and deep lines around the mouth. A facelift patient will achieve the best results when they have treated their skin in the years leading up to their procedure, as collagen and elasticity will be enhanced.

Improvements will be visible upon the removal of your cast. Over six months to a year, your nose will continue to change shape. During this time, swelling should reduce and you should start to see the final results towards the end of 1 year.

Most patients return to work between 1-2 weeks after the operation. Swelling, bruising and numbness after a traditional facelift typically last for 6-8 weeks which will subside gradually. Significant swelling should subside within 10-14 days. We will require you to wear a facial support garment for 24 hours. Numbness may take 4-6 weeks to resolve. Overall recovery usually takes around two weeks, and vigorous activity can resume after four weeks. Sutures are removed about 5 to 10 days after surgery.

We will provide you with aftercare instructions following your procedure. However, general recommendations and aftercare advice include trying to keep the head elevated and as still as possible for a couple of days after surgery.

The incisions and scarring vary depending on the case. They’re usually inconspicuously made around the ear, concealed within their natural folds. They often begin just above the hairline at the temples, extending in a natural line from the front of the ear just inside the cartilage and continuing behind the earlobe to the lower scalp.

We usually recommend the use of Kelo-cote  for three months to help minimise scarring. We also advocate the use of our complimentary dramatic healing serum – the product contains healing ingredients proven to reduce the appearance of scarring. Our light therapy system Celluma can also reduce scars.


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Jaw Reshaping

Jaw Reshaping

Jaw Reshaping is prominently a surgical procedure that can resolve issues of asymmetry, disproportion or the over or under-prominence of the jawline. We also have an array of non-surgical avenues to consider – as it is our combination of both supreme surgical and non-surgical techniques that makes 111 Harley St. the superior aesthetic centre it is

At 111 Harley St., no Jaw Reshaping is the same as we can incorporate a Jaw Reduction, Jaw Augmentation or a combination of surgical and non-surgical approaches to create your ideal look.

Depending on the extent of the work needed, we may operate under general or local anaesthetic and this is always decided as a case-on-case procedure. If you do require general anaesthetic, you will have to come to one of our partnering clinics that has an extensive theatre. You can be assured that you’ll never have to stay overnight.

Generally with Reduction or Augmentation, the surgeon will make incisions inside the mouth to avoid scarring will alter the structure by removing and reshaping the bone and removing excess tissue. Or with Chin Implants, they will make an incision in the mouth and fix the implants in place. Then, dissolvable sutures will close the incision, and the remaining structure will be secured.

This procedure is suitable for anyone who wishes to reshape or reduce the size of their chin or jaw. It’s a popular surgery of choice for our Asian patients who want to attain a V-shaped silhouette to their face shape.

Depending on your aesthetic goals, we may recommend combining the operation with a surgical procedure like buccal fat removal and submental liposuction  to reduce fat in the lower cheeks and face.


Or, if you’re not suitable for surgery, we have plenty of non-surgical alternatives to help redefine the jawline like Botox for the masseter muscles or dermal fillers. However, these options do not provide a permanent solution, and you’ll need to repeat the treatment.

There will be an immediate change in the size and shape of your jawline and chin if you choose a surgical approach. The final results can be seen around 3-6 months.

With non-surgical injectables, you’ll also see an instant impact, but it will take a few weeks for the final results to settle them to be seen.

After the operation, we will require you to wear a facial compression support garment. Your face will initially swell and should resolve and look better day by day.

We will advise you to follow a soft diet for the first few weeks after your operation. You may experience discomfort and pain, numbness and significant swelling during this time. You should be able to return to work and resume exercise after two to three weeks.

This depends on the route you wish to take. For surgical procedures this can vary from 1-2 hours and for non-surgical treatments it can be from 15-60 minutes.

Thanks to massive advancements in Jaw Reshaping procedures, any risks are very low thanks to the use of ultrasound technologies like the piezo.

For Jaw Augmentation, the risks are also decreased because of our innovative ImplantTech implants that are anatomical – meaning fit seamlessly to the bone.



Brow Lift

Brow Lift

The brow lift is a procedure that provides natural-looking rejuvenating results. It can help to elevate the brows to achieve the coveted ‘snatched-eye’ look, reduce the size of the forehead (and smooth wrinkles in the process), minimise hooding and crepiness of the eyelids, and tighten the skin around the eyes for a more youthful and brighter-eyed appearance.

The approach taken towards surgery depends on your aesthetic goals and concerns and facial anatomy of which, your surgeon will discuss with you during your consultation. In some cases, we may combine endoscopic and traditional brow lift techniques.

Those who:

  • Sagging or excess skin on their upper eyelids whose vision might be impaired
  • Brow ptosis
  • Deep worry lines across forehead
  • Asymmetry of the eyebrows
  • Those looking to improve shape, symmetry and elevation of brows

After any surgery, there is an immediate change, however the final results can be seen after the healing process has been completed. A brow lift can improve the signs of ageing of the brows, but it cannot prevent it from happening. With natural ageing, your skin may continue to sag and become lax again over time.

The rate of recovery differs from patient to patient. Healing is a gradual process, and your surgeon will usually remove stitches within the first week to 14 days after surgery. You may require around two weeks off work.

The procedure typically takes one to two hours, depending on the extent of the operation.


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    In-clinic Consultation

    Dr Yannis £350 – Mr Reza £200

    111 Harley St.
    0344 692 1111 / Book a Consultation