
Liposuction London

111 Harley St. are rated an average of 5 out of 5 based on 1320 reviews

Liposuction is a surgical method that removes fat cells from unwanted areas that deposit on the body such as the hips, tummy, back, thighs and buttocks. Fat can often be disproportionate, settling in places where it’s difficult to shift. Liposuction can be combined with other procedures such as a buttock fat transfer; in which the fat is taken from other areas and then re-injected into the buttocks and hips to redefine the body shape.

Your surgeon will work with you to determine the best approach to liposuction to improve your overall body shape. Liposuction is suitable for treating many areas ranging from the more common areas to under the chin (double chin), on the thighs (thigh chafing), knees, back (bra rolls) and chest (gynecomastia). Ideally, it would help if you were as close as possible to your goal weight before considering liposuction.

Our Quick to Liposuction

  • Procedure Time
    Procedure Time: 1-3 hours
  • Hospital Stay
    Hospital Stay: Day Case or Stay Overnight
  • Anaesthesia
    Anaesthesia: General or Local
  • Exercise
    Exercise: 4-6 Weeks
  • Recovery Time
    Recovery Time: 4-6 Weeks
  • Time Off Work
    Time Off Work: 7-10 Days
  • Age Restriction
    Age Restriction: 18+ Years Old
  • final results
    Final Results: 6-12 Months
  • Travel
    Travel: 6 Weeks

Treatable Areas

  • The Lower Face and Neck
  • Upper and Lower Arms
  • Stomach and Thighs
  • Lower Back and 'Love Handles'
  • Buttocks
  • Legs
Smart Laser Assisted Liposuction
The American Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS)
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
American Society Of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
Vaser Lipo

Liposuction Before & After Photos

Request a Consultation

Please note, all consultations are subject to the applicable consultation change or deposit.

To request a surgical consultation, please complete this form.

    Alternatively call our specialist patient advisors 0344 692 1111

    In-clinic Consultation

    Dr Yannis £350 – Mr Reza £200

    111 Harley St.

    111 Harley St. are rated an average of 5 out of 5 based on 1320 reviews

    I had 6 sessions of endormologie and could see results already after first session. Skin was smoother and less bloated post liposuction. I highly recommend Milena who was very helpful in choosing the right treatment and giving advise!



    I had BBL surgery with 360 lipo in November (which I highly recommend by the way, Dr Yannis is a genius). After one week of feeling very sorry for myself, I finally went for my first LPG treatment (an intensive method of lymphatic drainage, and an alternative to the usual massage). Upon arrival, Rachael was so kind and welcoming and encouraging. I was still walking like an old lady, could hardly remove my garment, and still felt a little nauseous, but Rachael took immediate and wonderful care of me. She did an assessment, took me to their spa room, adjusted the temperature and lighting so that the atmosphere was calm and soothing, and she explained what we were going to do and how it was going to benefit my recovery. The treatment itself was sore at first, but only because I had a lot of bruising and swelling; as I got used to the feel of the LPG machine I could feel my body relax and give in. Rachael was such a lovely presence throughout and made me feel safe and cared for. After that first treatment, I was blown away at how I could stand and move and bend after a week of stiffness and discomfort from the liposuction. That sold me. I felt like I could breathe all of a sudden! And we both could see a visible reduction of the swelling. I decided then and there to do a treatment of 12 sessions, two a week for the foreseeable future. I am now on my 12th session and I cannot tell you what a difference it has made! My swelling is almost entirely gone, my skin has retracted beautifully, my waist continues to get smaller and my stomach is even starting to firm up. I honestly have looked forward to my sessions with Rachael every week. I always feel relaxed and rejuvenated after each one, and better able to move and flex. But importantly, Rachaels attention to detail, her professionalism, her thorough understanding of the human body, and her calm and kind demeanour have made my entire experience an absolute dream. I will be continuing the treatment once a month from now on, and will do so with pleasure!


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    111 Harley St. are rated an average of 5 out of 5 based on 1320 reviews

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