
Dr Yannis Alexandrides – Plastic Surgeon London

“I prefer this method to fillers because you get long-term results, no lumpiness, less swelling and the growth factors within the fat cells provide rejuvenation.”

Quote from our Founder, Medical Director and Plastic Surgeon, 111 Harley St.

How does it work?

Facial fat transfer, also known as facial fat injections or sometimes face fat injections is a very quick, minor surgical procedure made simple through Dr Yannis’ expertise.

You can expect him to first numb the area that the fat will be removed from – typically the stomach – but it can also be removed from most areas that accumulate excess fat, such as the arms or thighs.

Click on the image to watch Dr Yannis perform this procedure at our 111 Harley St. clinic



What to expect


Once you have been numbed, Dr Yannis will then begin harvesting the fat cells, and the amount extracted will depend on the volume you wish to gain. Typically this is around six syringes full.

Using live fat cells means it is 100% compatible when reintroduced, as mentioned earlier, meaning the risk of rejection is eliminated.

Surgery Made Simple

  • Step 1: Call our Patient Advisors to book your consultation
  • Step 2: Book your surgery day and arrive at our 111 Harley St. theatre
  • Step 3: After your theatre, our Surgical Nurse will manage your post-op care

What happens next?

Once the fat has been removed, your Plastic Surgeon, Dr Yannis will then place the syringes in a centrifuge.

A centrifuge is a type of medical device which spins the fat so it separates from the blood, plasma and more. What’s left is pure fat which Dr Yannis will then inject into your desired treatment area.

Discover now

The results can be seen immediately in a similar way to Dermal Fillers, but unlike Dermal Fillers, the results of Facial Fat Injections lasts for many years.

Initially, you should expect approximately 30-40% of fat re-absorption as some fat cells will settle and and as the fat begins to settle, you’ll have a final indication after around twelve weeks. The restorative effect of fat stem cell rejuvenation will last for many years.

What areas can you add facial fat into?

Facial fat transfer can be performed on most areas of the body. Most common areas are:

  • The mid face: nasolabial and deep malar folds
  • The forehead, the temples
  • The tear trough and periorbial area
  • The breasts: recently Dr Yannis performed this on a lady looking to soften her cleavage after Breast Augmentation.




“People often forget about the hands when it comes to rejuvenation, but this area is prone to the signs of ageing, more so than the face.”

Fat Injections can also be performed on the hands to counteract the effects of ageing, hollowness and prominent veins that contribute to aged hands.

Establish 111SKIN in the clinic

Your Post-Op Product

The inspiration for 111SKIN, meet Dr Yannis’ Repair Serum NAC Y2. Originally developed as a super serum to aid post-surgical scar healing, with this formulation expect rejuvenated, nourished and plump skin in two pumps.



To request a non-surgical consultation with our practitioners please complete this form.

Alternatively, Call Us On 0344 692 1111

Our Patient Advisors are contactable via phone Monday to Friday from the hours of 10:00 – 18:00









    111 Harley St.
    0344 692 1111 / Book a Consultation