
VASER Liposuction Results

VASER Liposuction for Ab Etching and Definition

VASER Liposuction is designed for specific and precise fat removal making it the perfect treatment for etching and sculpting your abs. The procedure is highly recommended because the surgeon can target smaller, stubborn areas of fat – including sculpting the abdomen and defining the lower abdomen (typically a difficult area of fat removal for both men and women). The etching element of the treatment involves removing the fat along the lines to create your desired appearance.

Mr Reza Alamouti says “VASER is superior to traditional Liposuction as its ideal for body sculpting and creating lines, especially around the abdomen.”


Surgery Made Simple

  • Step 1: Call our Patient Advisors
  • Step 2: Book your consultation
  • Step 3: Arrive at our clinic on your chosen surgery date

The VASER Liposuction Procedure and Process

The first step in the ab-defining process is booking your consultation which you can have virtually or in-person with Mr Reza. Once you have a day that suits you confirmed, you can expect your consultation to be a conversation between you and Mr Reza where you’ll talk about your concerns and whether you are suitable for VASER arm liposuction or stomach liposuction (or any other kind of Liposuction you desire).

The procedure will involve the surgeon liquefying the fat in the abdominal areas before sucking it out through a small cannula, where it will be destroyed. (In some instances, you may want to use this for Fat Transfer, a process where the unwanted fat from one area is transferred to other areas of the body, such as the buttocks or thighs).

The treatment will involve patients going under local anaesthesia, meaning post-recovery is required after the operation. However, nowhere near as strenuous as traditional liposuction. With the recovery time considered a month-long, we strongly advise refraining from exercise until our Surgical Team gives you the all clear.


When Will Results Be Seen?

As the body has undergone significant change, better results will be seen two weeks following the procedure as your body adjusts to the new shape and continued definition in the following months.

To accelerate your healing process, so you can enjoy your newly-toned abs quicker, Mr Reza recommends beginning a course of Lymphatic Massage, which ‘mobilises the fluids’ and ‘reduces swelling’.

Also, once completely healed, you may find that you’ll want to try skin tightening treatments such as Accent Prime for even greater results.

While VASER Liposuction is an incredibly transformative treatment for sculpting and etching your abs, our experts recommend that you are already healthy and fit with a balanced lifestyle. This treatment is also not advised for those with any underlying medical conditions.

Say hello to a sculpted and contoured six-pack this summer with the powerful solution of VASER Liposuction. Book in for your consultation now.


Request a Consultation

Please note, all consultations are subject to the applicable consultation change or deposit.


To request a VASER liposuction consultation, or to enquire about Liposuction costs with Mr Reza Alamouti FRCSplast, please complete this form.

Alternatively, Call Us On 020 3219 5815

Our Patient Advisors are contactable via phone Monday to Friday from the hours of 10:00 – 18:00









To request a consultation, please complete this form.

    Alternatively call our specialist patient advisors 0344 692 1111


    To request a VASER liposuction consultation, or to enquire about Liposuction costs with Mr Reza Alamouti FRCSplast, please complete this form.

    Alternatively, Call Us On 020 3219 5815

    Our Patient Advisors are contactable via phone Monday to Friday from the hours of 10:00 – 18:00









    111 Harley St.
    0344 692 1111 / Book a Consultation