
Breast Reduction Before and After Photos

Things To Know Before Booking

Before booking your Breast Reduction, or any surgery for that matter, the first thing to find out is who is going to perform your surgery and whether they will give you the best result. Of course, this seems quite basic, but finding a good Plastic Surgeon to perform this personalised surgery can be time consuming. We advise using platforms such as RealSelf, Doctify or TrustPilot – these are all regulated, trusted review providers so you can be sure of your surgeon’s legitimacy.

Look at websites, surgeon’s portfolios, ask for personalised recommendations from anyone you know who has undergone breast surgery.

We recommend narrowing your search down to your top three surgeons, all of equal surgical calibre – so that way you can decide on a personal level who you feel will be the best to perform your procedure. You want someone you can trust and like to perform your surgery after all!

Once you have your top three surgeons, you’re happy with examples of their work, their online profiles and qualifications… The next thing to do is get yourself familiar with boob job UK prices which all vary depending on location, surgeon and more! Breast Reduction and Breast Enlargement prices, of course, may not be the same, but if you call your desired surgeon’s clinic, the team will be able to give you a approximate cost price, so you’ll roughly know what to expect.

Of course, Breast Reductions in London can cost more than somewhere more local or even aboard – and this can be especially so on Harley Street. However, Harley Street is known as being the best of the best – it’s the prestige medical hub of London – the crème de le crème of London’s finest surgeons so you are paying for their expertise.

We have heard our fair share of horror stories from patients looking to get a revision surgery after a surgery gone-wrong in abroad, which is why although cheaper surgeries may be appealing, it’s worth considering if you’d rather have one surgery done correctly or two surgeries – the second to fix the first one?

The next step after you’ve done your breast implants cost research? Making the call to book your consultation.

Things To Know Before The Consultation

This is an exciting time, it means you’re serious about your Breast Reduction and ready to take the next step, one that will help actualise your decision.

Consultations can often take place in-clinic or virtually, however, we always advise our potential new patients to come in as this means the doctor will be able to examine the area in person.

Another benefit of an in-clinic consultation is that you can get a feel of the clinic. You will be able to see if qualifications and training certificates are transparently displayed, meet some of the clinic’s Admin Team who will book you in for your pre-op and be available to discuss finance options with you. If you have a really good consultation, you should be feeling confident about your potential surgery and reassured in all elements!

The best way to be reassured is by asking questions, you can find a good list of questions to ask your surgeon here.

It’s also important to ask questions about recovery, scarring and type of Breast Reduction you want as this can performed with or without implants – depending on your expectations, your surgeon may advise which route is the best to go down for you.

Your surgeon will outline the best incisions to make to achieve your desired result and whether you are concerned about scarring. The types of incisions are infroamlly called the ‘donut’, ‘lollipop’ and ‘anchor’ incisions (you can only imagine why they are called this).

The Donut Incision: which creates an incision around the nipples (usually this is for mild breast sagging).

The Lollipop Incision: ingeniously named, this incisions takes the appearance of a lollipop where two incisions are made – one is a circular, peri-areolar mark, joined to a vertical line that stops where the breast. Often this is for more extensive sagging concerns.

The final, most popular incision is the Anchor Incision: where the base of the ‘anchor’ is hidden beneath the breast. This is most suitable for those with dramatic laxity concerns.

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Things To Know Before The Surgery

The best things to know before the surgery is how you can prepare your body. Always follow your Surgical Team’s advice on the big do’s and don’ts beforehand. Some classic examples of what not to do before your operation are:

Not  drinking alcohol for at least 48 hours

Not eating food 6 hours before your surgery and not drinking liquids two hours beforehand – times do vary from procedure to procedure – however, it’s a typically the rule when you are under general anaesthetic as it temporarily stops your body’s reflexes so there could be risk of vomiting which can be dangerous.

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Things To Know After The Surgery

Some of the top things to know after your Breast Reduction is that while the surgery itself is quite quick, around 2 hours, the recovery can be a lot longer.

Immediately after your surgery your body will be feeling lighter physically due to the breast tissue removed, but also possibly mentally! As a surgery is a decision not taken lightly, you may be relieved that one of the things you’ve been thinking about for months, or years, is now over!

Another thing to know is that you’ll need to wear a compression bra for around 6 weeks. We also advise our patients not to get the structures wet, you can still wash or shower, but you must avoid the stitches until the Nurse has checked them (usually the first follow-up is one week after your surgery).

You can expect your nipples to look different. A Breast Reduction is the perfect opportunity to resize and reposition the nipples (so be sure to speak to your surgeon regarding this beforehand).

For the first few weeks after your surgery, you have to take it exceptionally easy. This means no heavy lifting or driving (driving can continue when you can comfortably wear a seatbelt and should be signed off with your surgeon). All in all, it should take around six months to heal fully, meaning all activities and intense exercise can recommence at that stage!

We’d love to help you begin your surgical journey or if you have any questions regarding Breast Reduction surgery cost or general questions, please get in touch with our team here!

Begin your journey

What to Expect During A Breast Reduction


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Alternatively, Call Us On 0344 692 1111

Our Patient Advisors are contactable via phone Monday to Friday from the hours of 10:00 – 18:00









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