The reason why Laser Hair Removal is so effective is because it targets the hair in each of it’s growth stages, which is why you often have to come back at different times to ensure that your treatment encompasses them all, and why this treatment is sometimes called ‘Laser Hair Reduction’.
These are the growth stages:
ANAGEN – The ‘Growth’ Stage – The longest stage where hair is growing from the root.
CATAGEN – The Transitional Phase – Growth slows down and the follicle shrinks.
TELOGEN –The old hair falls out and new hair begins to grow from the same hair follicle.
Yes! Aesthetic technologies have become so advanced now that their uses and contradictions are much boarder and safe to use across various skin types – without any harmful side effects (e.g burns) that may be traditionally associated by devices or a treatment delivered by an inexperienced laser Practitioner.
As we are a Harley Street clinic, there is a certain standard we hold ourselves, our treatments and devices too; so you can be assured that we offer nothing but the highest standard of aesthetic treatments.
There is no evidence that Laser Hair Removal causes cancer, and often the type of cancer that people may be worried about developing is skin cancer – but Laser Hair Removal has been cleared of risk by the FDA. They classify that ‘laser hair removal devices as safe for use when operated by trained professional does not pose a risk of cancer when used as intended.
No, laser hair removal is a superficial treatment and only works on the surface layers of the skin where the hair grows. It cannot penetrate into the deep layers of skin, into the organs or ovaries.
Laser Hair Removal works to stop the hair growing which may essentially works by burning and destroying the hair follicle – this may trigger some healing processes in the skin that is not limited to stimulating hair growth. However, this would be a good thing as over your next appointments the hair will be actively growing, in it’s anagen phase, so we’ll be able to target the hair in this growth cycle.
Laser hair removal is not effective on blonde hair. One treatment to research is Electrolysis which essentially targets the individual hairs rather than the detecting the pigmentation of them – which is how a laser hair removal device works.
Usually, Nd:YAG and Diode lasers are able to safely treat dark skin. However, choosing the right practitioner is equally as important as choosing the right device as when you go to an experienced Aesthetician, the risk between of obtaining an adverse reaction or burn is made smaller and smaller.
Laser Hair Removal offers around 80% hair reduction, so it can be a lasting way to reduce unwanted hair and minimise your beauty / grooming routines. Generally it is extremely effective on the hair that it targets, and once the hair follicle is destroyed the hair will not grow back, however it is not guaranteed that it will be effective on each hair follicle.
Laser Hair Removal is good because it offers an alternative to shaving – which can cause rashes, ingrown hairs and is an overall time-consuming process.
One of the best things about laser hair removal – and the reason it is so popular – is because once the growing environment has been successfully altered, the hair will not grow back.
This can be due to a variety of reasons, however, the biggest one is that you did not have enough treatments or did not visit your practitioner when the hair was in the right stage (this is due to inexperienced of the practitioner too).
Yes! It reduces hair overall so there will be less hair to become ingrown!
For more information on Laser Hair Removal prices, get in touch with our team here, or you can additionally message us on WhatsApp on 07931834599.
To request a consultation regarding Laser Hair Removal costs in London, please complete this form.
Please note, all non-surgical consultations require a £50 deposit, which is then deducted from your treatment or refunded back to you after your consultation if you choose not to go through with your treatment plan.
Our Patient Advisors are contactable via phone Monday to Friday from the hours of 10:00 – 18:00