
What is Buccal Fat?

Buccal Fat Removal, also medically known as a bichectomia/bichectomy or more causally referred to as cheek fat removal, is an innovative procedure to immediately and seamlessly remove stubborn mid-facial fat in under and hour. As buccal fat is retained in-between the cheek bones and jawline, it often contributes to a fuller, rounder profile – and can be difficult to diminish through exercise and diet alone (which is why face fat removal is a convenient exercise-free route to consider).

Although the body has an abundance of natural fats which play important and protective roles: such as cushioning your vital organs, insulating and giving energy to your body, these fats also help control growth, immune function, reproduction and other aspects of basic metabolism. However, too much fat can lead to high cholesterol and disease, which is why fat removal surgery becomes a more attractive, immediate option (see our other Vaser and Liposuction procedures too), as many people of all ages are self-conscious about the appearance of their cheeks.


How does it work?

Face fat removal surgery ­works by revealing the buccal fat pads in the skin and removing them to re-contour and reduce volume in the face. Unlike superficial fat that can be removed elsewhere on the body using liposuction, buccal fat cannot be removed this way. This is because buccal fat lies in a deeper pocket, tucked between the cheekbones and jawline so liposuction is not an appropriate procedure to perform which making Buccal Fat a specialist procedure we perform at 111 Harley St.

During the procedure you can expect Dr Yannis, our resident Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, to administer local anaesthetic – similar to a dental operation – which involves two numbing injections in the mouth region. Dr Yannis will then cover your eyes to help you feel more relaxed and will begin preparing for the procedure.

A surgeon wearing a surgical hat and mask

Once the anaesthetic starts to you work, Dr Yannis will then make a small incision on the inside of your mouth (which will maximise discretion and help minimise any visible scarring). The incision will then be made above the molar which will allow Dr Yannis excess to the fascia and fibres of the buccinator muscle which he’ll then be able to extract the buccal fat through. Once the unwanted fat has been removed, absorbable sutures will be used to close the incision.

What is the biggest benefit of Buccal Fat Removal?

The biggest benefit of Buccal Fat Removal is that it produces excellent results for patients with realistic expectations. Once the healing time is over, many patients see a great de-puffing and de-volumizing improvement to their cheeks and overall face shape.

What happens now?

If you’re considering or intrigued about Buccal Fat Removal, the best place to start is by calling our Patient Advisors, Sahreen and Marie on 0344 692 1111. They can give you more information regarding all things buccal fat, and help you arrange a consultation with Dr Yannis. This initial consultation will be an opportunity for you to outline your concerns and expectations, and as each surgery is highly individualised, having this first conversation will ensure good communication throughout the whole process. After Dr Yannis has evaluated both your health and face, he’ll give you all the information you’ll need regarding next steps and aftercare.


How to prepare for the surgery?

Ensuring you’re in the best health possible and your skin is in good condition too will help enhance your result which is why we always advise our patients not to consume alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or any over-the-counter medications for 2 weeks before your surgery. This will just help guarantee your body is in it’s most natural state.

We also advise to our patients to be especially kind with their skin and not expose it to any UV radiation.

Aftercare Advice

After the surgery you may not be feeling your best – the initial post-surgery aftereffects may be swelling, bruising and some discomfort which are to be expected given the nature of surgery. However, we will do everything we can to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible throughout the healing process.

We advise you to avoid the following things after your Buccal Fat Removal:

  • Hot drinks and food
  • Spicy, crunchy foods
  • Vigorous exercise or strenuous activity
  • Housework or heavy lifting (for around a month)

Of course, our surgical team will additionally provide you with exceptional advice, print information and guidance alongside at-home skincare recommendations (such as 111SKIN’s Reparative Collection) to accelerate the post-surgery healing process.


Learn more

Our Quick Guide to Buccal Fat Removal

  • Treatment Time: 15-45 minutes
  • Downtime: Full recovery in 3-4 weeks
  • Lasting Effects: Indefinitely – depending on lifestyle and diet
  • Anaesthetic: Local
  • Age Restrictions: 18+
  • Hospital Stay: Usually performed in-clinic

Request a Consultation

Please note, all consultations are subject to the applicable consultation change or deposit.


To request a surgical consultation with Dr Yannis please complete this form.

Alternatively, Call Us On 0344 692 1111

To book and enquire about buccal fat removal cost, our Patient Advisors are contactable via phone Monday to Friday from the hours of 10:00 – 18:00.









To request a consultation, please complete this form.

    Alternatively call our specialist patient advisors 0344 692 1111


    To request a surgical consultation with Dr Yannis please complete this form.

    Alternatively, Call Us On 0344 692 1111

    To book and enquire about buccal fat removal cost, our Patient Advisors are contactable via phone Monday to Friday from the hours of 10:00 – 18:00.









    111 Harley St.
    0344 692 1111 / Book a Consultation