
Blepharoplasty, also known as eye bag surgery or an eye lift, is a minor surgical procedure that can remove sagging skin on the upper and lower eyelids – leading to a more refreshed, refined appearance. Plus, it’s the perfect procedure to improve hooded eyes and more.

Eye bag surgery is performed by Dr Yannis, not only the founder of 111 Harley St. and 111SKIN, but also our resident Plastic Surgeon. It’s a very simple procedure that works on a superficial level, gently removing the sagging or drooping skin around the orbital area.


As this is an eyelid procedure, there are commonly two types of Blepharoplasty – Upper Blepharoplasty and Lower Blepharoplasty – to target both the top and bottom eyelids depending on the area of your concern. For example, for ptosis an Upper Bleph is the best route, or for removing under-eyes bags, a Lower Bleph may be necessary.

Some of the benefits are:

✓ Targets sagging or hooded eyelids

✓ Improves upper eyelid skin that can inhibit the peripheral vision

✓ Removes fluid that builds up on the lower eyelid for a less puffy appearance to the under-eyes

✓ Can create a natural-looking crease in the upper eyelid

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The other eye-opening treatment is Canthopexy. Canthopexy is a plastic surgery procedure which alters the shape of the eye and although it sounds invasive and complex, it isn’t – especially when an expert like Dr Yannis performs it, and makes it seem effortless thanks to his skill and decades of experience.

It’s a reasonably straightforward procedure, one where afterwards you can expect bigger, more awake-looking eyes. It works by delicately tightening the outer corner of the eye, known as the canthus, and altering the point where the upper and lower eyelids meet. It on this area where Dr Yannis will create a cantonal tilt to give the you a more arched, almond eye shape.

Some of the benefits are:

✓Tightens the outer corner of the eye – improving laxity, roundedness and bulging eyes
✓ Targets the lower eyelid
✓ Can create more almond-shaped eyes or ‘cat eyes’
✓ Transforms the eye shape
✓ Softens the border between the eyelid and cheek, preventing lower eyelid hollowness

What can you expect on the day, during and after the procedure

The first step towards your eye transformation is booking a consultation with Dr Yannis, which can be virtual or in-clinic. It’s during this time when he’ll be able to assess your eyes and give you more information about the surgical routes that you’ll benefit from.

Once your suitability is confirmed and you’ve had your consultation – you should be feeling confident about the surgery – and to ensure you have all the information you need, we’ll give you our surgical pack guide and contact information to Zuzana. Zuzana is our Surgical Nurse who be there to reassure you and guide you every step of the way. Be assured that you are in the safest hands.

On the day of the surgery, Dr Yannis will perform it either at our 111 Harley St. theatre or partnering hospitals which are located in Sloane Square, Battersea and Harley Street. You’ll first fill out some consent forms and may be asked to wear a surgical gown. Dr Yannis may also want to take photographs before your surgery as photographs are an amazing way to show you the transformative results afterwards.


Then he’ll mark around the eyes, beginning to identify the areas in need of optimisation. Once this is complete, an Anaesthetist will administer the anaesthetic. You’ll then fall asleep and wake up to your new look! You may be feeling a little sore and swollen around the eyes afterwards, but this is completely normal due to the nature of surgery.

Any incisions made are usually hidden beneath the eyes and the week after your treatment, at your follow-up appointment, Zuzana will give you our inaugural healing serum, aptly named the Dramatic Healing Serum, and some 111SKIN supplements to help accelerate both internal and external repair processes.

We also have a wide range of non-surgical options to help speed up your healing process so you can enjoy the results of your surgery faster. Our Head of Non-Surgical, Kerstie, may recommend a laser or light treatment, or a course of Vitamin IV Drips to nourish your body and skin.


Non Surgical Blepharoplasty

There are some non-surgical options to consider. For example, Botox when placed just across from the temples can subtly lift the brows which in turn elevate the eyelids, increasing vitality.

Some at-home options would be to use 111SKIN skincare. Dr Yannis recommends using the Celestial Black Diamond Contour Gel and Cyro De-Puffing Eye Mask. The Contour Gel contains an ingredient related to Botulinum Extract, you can expect Botox-like effects. When combined with the Cryo De-Puffing Eye Mask, you’ll have an anti-ageing, de-puffing saviour in your hands.

For an idea of Blepharoplasty cost, or for more information about Canthopexy, get in touch with our Patient Advisors on 0344 692 1111 or message us via WhatsApp on 07495 733874.


Contact Us On WhatsApp
Zuzana Nurse at 111 Harley St.

Zuzana’s top tip for her patients is to “be patient, remember that recovery isn’t for ever and it’ll all be worth it in the end!”


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