
How To Reverse The Effects Of Sun Damage

Reverse Effects Of Sun Damage

No matter how much we try to protect ourselves from environmental damage, for most of us we will have exposed ourselves to harmful UV rays which may have caused our skin some sun damage.

Persistent exposure to the sun can lead to signs of ageing which start to become visible from an early age of twenty, with cutaneous sun damage becoming more visible as we age.

How does the sun effect my skin?

The prevalence of skin damage can be significant when we start to reach our mid-thirties, and more signs of pigmentation and sun damaged skin can be noticeable. Even just a couple of minutes in the sun without protection, can lead to changes in the skin which can be noticed later in life. On the exterior the signs of sun damage can include wrinkles, spider veins, leathery skin, pigmentation (blotchy colour changes or increased amount of freckles), and sagging skin or loss of volume in the skin resulting in a sallow and hollow look. When the skin ages, there is cause for greater concern as abnormal cells start to accumulate which can lead to cancers. There has been substantial research to support the link between skin cancers and excessive exposure to UV radiation.

What can I do about sun damage?

It is important to be aware of the UV risks that the sun can cause, so it is fundamental to protect your skin and start from an early age which will help to reduce the visible an internal effects later in life. It is recommended that you ensure you use SPF on a daily basis, and incorporate it into your daily routine. For many women out there, SPF is included in some foundations and BB creams.

We recommend the Aqua Defence Physics cream by 111SKIN also includes a UV filter that protects the skin against UVA and UVB rays whilst stimulating the regeneration of skin cells.

Reported to and complained about the most by skin doctors, is the problem of skin pigmentation. Sun damage can result in hyperpigmentation or melasma. Dark spots or patches can appear giving the impression of uneven skin tone. The harmful rays from the sun can cause broken blood vessels which result in an uneven skin tone or a freckled appearance. If you suffer from the latter, there are options available which can help the appearance of your skin. The most beneficial form of repair for those that suffer from sun damage is skin peels which aim to resurface and regenerate the skin. There are different types of skin peels available to those, depending on your individual needs. A chemical peel is suitable for all skin types but works particularly well on darker skin types that are more susceptible to hyperpigmentation. The concentration used will depend on the type of peel that you opt for, but it is recommended that you have about six treatments for optimum results. Deeper peels will require more time. In addition to treating sun damage, skin peels are also beneficial for treating the appearance of mild scars, and certain types of acne.

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Surgical Procedures Virtual Consultation Fee – £200

Surgical Procedures In-Clinic Consultation Fee – Mr Reza £200, Dr Yannis £350

Non-Surgical In-Clinic and Virtual Consultation Fee – £50 which can be refundable afterwards

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