
Tear Trough Fillers


Dermal fillers are a common non-surgical procedure for anti-ageing. They can create a younger and more rejuvenated appearance. Fillers are commonly used in the lips, forehead lines, and the lines around the mouth. However, it is relatively uncommon for patients to ask about ‘tear trough fillers’ as there is not much awareness over this procedure.

Similarly to all other types of filler, tear trough fillers will help to give you a fresher and younger appearance. One of the first things we notice with ageing is ageing around the eyes – so why not pay extra attention to the areas that could be contributing to signs of ageing.

What are tear troughs?

Tear troughs are the indent between the inner corner of the eye, often appearing as a dark circles or a ‘hollow look’ around the eye. Often tear troughs appear in addition to fatty tissue or eye bags underneath the eye creating a shadow which accentuates its appearance. As we age, we lose volume and elasticity within the skin, making tear troughs even more visible, however they can also be visible in younger patients.

What filler is used for tear troughs?

At 111 Harley St. Dr Alexandrides favours using Restylane injections because it gives a natural appearance. It’s also long lasting meaning that results can last for up to a year. Other fillers such as Juvéderm are not favoured as they can create a puffy-eyed appearance.

How long will results last for?

Results can last up to a year, but generally tear trough fillers will last for about 6 months.

Are the injections painful?

Surprisingly no. Patients report a slight sensation, but in comparison to other types of fillers such as lip injections which have been reported as relatively painful, tear trough fillers are reportedly significantly less painful. In addition, a topical anaesthetic cream is applied prior to treatment.

Request a Consultation

To request a Surgical or Non-Surgical consultation, please complete this form.

Please note, all consultations are subject to the applicable charge below at the time of booking. This is deducted from the cost of your procedure:

Surgical Procedures Virtual Consultation Fee – £200

Surgical Procedures In-Clinic Consultation Fee – Mr Reza £200, Dr Yannis £350

Non-Surgical In-Clinic and Virtual Consultation Fee – £50 which can be refundable afterwards

Alternatively Call Us On 0344 692 1111

Our Patient Advisors are contactable via phone Monday to Friday from the hours of 10:00 – 18:00


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