
Top 3 Nose Job Questions

Does the nose change shape after Rhinoplasty? If so, how?


Dr Alexandrides highlights that although your face can continue to change shape due to weight/gain or loss, the actual column of the nose will not change shape. There is a misconception that noses continue to grow with age, however, this is untrue. They do however droop due to gravity. As we age we lose the collagen and elasticity in our body which causes parts of our bodies to sag and droop. As we age it is possible that the tip of the nose can also start to droop which will slightly alter its appearance.

How long does it take until the swelling subsides after Rhinoplasty?


Dr Alexandrides reiterates that swelling after Rhinoplasty should be expected and that you should wait until at least 6 months after your surgery before you can make a judgement. Depending on your nose and the aesthetic appearance, it is possible that there may only be a slight alteration to the appearance. Dr Alexandrides always encourages patients to be realistic about their expectations and what they wish to achieve. The surgeon who practised the surgery should have fully discussed the procedure with the patient.

There are several factors that could be conducive to the swelling of a nose after Rhinoplasty. It depends on the type of surgical technique that was performed due to the appearance of the nose. For example, most Rhinoplasty surgeries are reductive and minimise the size in some way. If the nose was broken, you may expect to experience a considerable amount of swelling and puffiness.

What is the ideal age to have Rhinoplasty?


Dr Alexandrides states that the 111 Harley St. practice does not perform surgery on anyone under the age of 18. It is advised that if the surgery is for aesthetic reasons wait until they are at least 18 as the nose will continue to grow.

Request a Consultation

To request a Surgical or Non-Surgical consultation, please complete this form.

Please note, all consultations are subject to the applicable charge below at the time of booking. This is deducted from the cost of your procedure:

Surgical Procedures Virtual Consultation Fee – £200

Surgical Procedures In-Clinic Consultation Fee – Mr Reza £200, Dr Yannis £350

Non-Surgical In-Clinic and Virtual Consultation Fee – £50 which can be refundable afterwards

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